Junior Race Team
The Junior Race Team is sponsored by
Sandusky Sailing Club and Sandusky Yacht Club.
It is made up of dinghy sailors in Opti's, Laser's and 420's.
Sailors ages 7-18 with a minimum of one completed week of
Learn To Sail classes are eligible to join the Race Team.
Opti Sailing
Laser Sailing
420 Sailing
The Junior Race Team offers an opportunity to compete in a season-long series of regattas in team provided Opti’s, Laser’s and 420’s. The team is coached by qualified instructors and has a history of promoting sportsmanship, teamwork, integrity, leadership and competitive sailing skills.
For more information about Junior Race Team opportunities, please reach
out to the Sandusky Sailing Club at 419-625-1963 or info@sanduskysailingclub.com .
Located at:
Sandusky Sailing Club
814 Water Street Sandusky, Ohio 44870